Our club is involved in a variety of projects that involve fundraising, community service, and assisting children locally and worldwide. Below are some of our current projects:
Little Free Library - The club has a Little Free Library, a book exchange where anyone can "take a book, leave a book." The LFL is located on Pine Point Road in Scarborough, near the Eastern Trail.
Kids Fishing Derby - Usually held the first Saturday in May at Bayleys Camping Resort, Scarborough. This is our largest fundraiser and a great day for parents and children to spend time together outdoors.
High school scholarships - Each year the club gives scholarships to graduating seniors at Scarborough High School. Awards are based on the students' service to school and community. Past recipients have devoted countless hours to organizations such as church groups, the Maine Veterans' Home, Key Club, Partners for World Health, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Scarborough High's Buddy System, the Center for Grieving Children, and Maine Medical Center.
We currently have four scholarships, named to honor members who made huge contributions to the club over the years: Marty Craine, Bill Charles, Wil Sirois, and Eddie Hurd.
Project GRACE Trivia Bee - The "Kiwanabees" compete in the Trivia Bee to help raise funds for Project GRACE.
Service Leadership Programs - Scarborough Kiwanis sponsors Service Leadership Programs in the Scarborough public schools, including K-Kids (grades 3-5), Builders Club (grades 6-8), and Key Club (high school).
Operation Cupid - With members of the sponsored youth groups and other community members, club members put together Valentines for local veterans and first responders.
Project GRACE fuel rally - The club participates in the annual fuel rally to help raise money for Project GRACE's fuel assistance fund.
Holiday cards - Club members sign and deliver holiday cards to residents at local facilities, including the Maine Veterans Home, Pine Point Rehabilitation Center, and the Huot House.
Young Children Priority One - Each year, the club donates books "to keep" to every child in kindergarten, first, and second grades in the Scarborough schools. The club has also donated books to Portland's Riverton School.
The club also donates food for the Scarborough Schools Food Backpack Program. Club members consistently donate money and food to this program, which sends kids home with backpacks full of food before school vacations and holidays.
The club prepares child safety kits for new parents and delivers them to Maine Medical Center.
The club purchases and fills duffel bags with personal items, ranging from toiletries to diapers, for children in foster care.
In lieu of giving gifts to our lunch speakers, the club has each speaker sign a children's book, which we deliver to the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital at Maine Medical Center. We have also donated "Cubby Bears" to both Barbara Bush Children's Hospital and Family Crisis Services.
"Hero of the Quarter" - The club recognizes public safety officers, educators, and volunteers for outstanding service to the community.
Book Corner at the Scarborough Food Pantry - The club has created a book corner for patrons of the Scarborough Food Pantry. Kids are free to choose books to take home with them when they visit the food pantry.
Junior Trivia Bee - Club members work with one of the club's service leadership programs, the Builders Club, to hold a Junior Trivia Bee to benefit a local charity chosen by the student member.
Other fundraisers include selling mums and poinsettias and selling food at local events, including the Kids Fishing Derby and Scarborough Summerfest.
On a national and international level, Scarborough Kiwanis supports the Kiwanis Foundation of New England, including the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Institute in Boston. The club is also proud to be a model club for Kiwanis International's EliMinaTe Project (Eliminate Maternal-Neonatal Tetanus). We have achieved "Platinum Level," which recognizes clubs whose members have donated an average of $1,500.00 or more per member, saving more than 800 lives per member from maternal neonatal tetanus.